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Employee Contracts

Employee Contracts

Services include:
Drafting of Employee Contracts.

Within 3 days

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Employee Contracts:


The employment contract is a vital legal agreement signed by most enterprises. An employment contract is a signed agreement between an individual employee and an employer. It establishes both the rights and responsibilities of the two parties: the Employee & the Employer.


Professionals should create employment contracts to guarantee that all applicable employment laws are considered while drafting the contract.


To develop and maintain a smooth and friendly relationship between an employee and the employer, an Employment Contract is mandatory; TAX BARR provides you a legalized Employment Contract Agreement with the required details.


What is included in an Employment Contract?


Duties & Responsibilities

The employee's tasks and obligations must be clearly outlined in the employment contract. Furthermore, stipulations should be included, barring the employee from taking on other work throughout this employment contract.


Working Hours & Days

The employee's typical working hours and days must be specified in the appointment letter or employment contract. Also, include the terms for over-time payment. The Shops and Establishment Act governs working hours.


Salary & Wages

In an employment contract, the remuneration to be given to the employee must be explicitly stated. If relevant, terms for a salary increase, additional incentives, or an ESOP might also be specified.



If the firm has a bonus policy, it must be spelled out in the employment contract. The bonus policy must also specify who is eligible for a bonus and the award amount.


Leave Policy

All employment contracts should include the employer's leave policy and the employee's right to depart with full pay or half pay. Earned leave, casual leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, and sick leave are all stated in the contract. Many firms grant ten days of accumulated leaves and 12 days of unpaid leaves per year in India.


Termination of Employment

All employment contracts must include a clause for termination of employment. The causes and terms for terminating an employment contract must be explicitly stated.


Period of Service

If the employment contract is in the type of a fixed-term contract, then the length of service and terms for contract renewal might be specified.



Benefits of Employee Contract:


Clearly defined duties and benefits:

 The employment contract defines the responsibilities for the job and benefits that are included as part of the employment. Employers can use it to specify standards for the employee's performance and reasons where termination would be justified.


Protects both employers and employees: 

The employment contract protects the rights of both parties. The employer can include a non-compete or nondisclosure clause into the employment contract to prevent the employee from sharing confidential information for personal gain. Likewise, it can prevent them from leaving their jobs and competing against you at another company.



Both the employee and employer know what to expect from their relationship.


Legally binding

The employment contract is legally binding, and there are consequences if the employee breaks the contract



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